
Posted by hstk30 on June 14, 2022

English Abbreviations and Acronyms

搞了份twitter 上的语料做了下实验,太多的缩写了记录一下

谁说英文的nlp 比中文简单啊🤡

  • BTW: by the way
  • SMFH: shaking my fucking head. disappointment
  • SMH: shakeing my head. disappointment, disapproval, frustration, or impatience
  • LMAO: laughing my ass off
  • LOL: laughing out loud
  • BRB: Be Right Back 马上回来
  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  • TBC/TBD: To Be Confirm/Discussed
  • ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
  • DOB: Date Of Birth
  • IMO: In My Opinion
  • IMAO: in my arrogant opinion. irony or self-deprecation
  • IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
  • aka: also known as
  • DIY: Do It Yourself
  • FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out 害怕错过
  • BYOB: bring your own beer/bottle/booze 自带水酒
  • DOA: dead on arrival
  • AWOL: absent without leave 无故缺席
  • BO: bady odour 体臭
  • CC/BCC: carbon copy/blind carbon copy 邮件的抄送或秘密抄送
  • FAQ: frequently asked questions
  • FYI: for your information
  • LGBT: lesbian gay bisexual transgender 老哥变态:)
  • GSOH: good sense of humour
  • NEET: a young person who is Not in Education, Employment or Training
  • PS: postscript 附言
  • RIP: rest in peace 安息
  • YOLO: you only live once
  • TL;DR: too long; don’t read
  • G2G: got to go
  • TTYL: talk to you later
  • PAW: parent are watching
  • PITR: parent in the room
  • PBB: parent behind back
  • POMS: parent over my shoulder
  • KPC: keep parent clueless
  • PAH: parent at home
  • HIFW: How I feel when
  • JK: just kidding
  • IDC: I don’t care
  • ILY: I love you
  • IMU: I miss you
  • IFYP: I feel your pain
  • ZZZ: sleeping
  • WYWH: wish you were here
  • TIME: tears in my eyes
  • BAE: before anyone else
  • QQ: crying
  • FIMH: forever in my heart
  • BSAAW: big smile and a wink
  • BWL: bursting with laughter
  • BFF: best friends forever
  • CSL: can’t stop laughing
  • nepotism: 任人唯亲,裙带关系
  • cut and dry: 1. already decided and unlikely to be changed 2. simple and easy to understand
  • tho: thoough
  • KMS: kill myself
  • FWIW: for what it’s worth 不管是否有价值