

自古圣贤尽贫贱,何况我辈孤且直! Posted by hstk30 on August 14, 2021





char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
char* c = &b;
char d = 'd';

但是,为什么呢? 为什么第三个位置上的0x02 就因为它长的像一个地址,我们直觉上就是将它归为地址呢? 把它解释为一个字符 值不行吗?就像

char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
char c = 0x02;
char d = 'd';

也行!所以不能只看内存中的数据就做出判断,况且如果看到真实内存中的十六进制表示时,我们估计连猜的欲望都没有了。 所以,一切由代码决定,而最终解释权则在编译器手里。


int simple_exam() {
    int a = 1;
    int* p_a = &a;
    long cast_long = (long) p_a;
    printf("size of pointer: %lu, size of long: %lu\n", sizeof(p_a), sizeof(cast_long));
    printf("p_a value: %p, cast_long value: %lu\n", p_a, cast_long);   
    /* output:
     size of pointer: 8, size of long: 8
     p_a value: 0x7ffee34cb8ec, cast_long value: 140732711876844

    return 0;

上面,我们将一个指针强制转换为了long 类型,编译器觉得没问题(0x7ffee34cb8ec 对应十进制数就是140732711876844 )。

其实这个例子没什么多大的现实意义,谁会将一个指针值转换为一个未知的整数呢?当然,在随机数生成上可能有用。 Whatever,我举上面的例子主要是想说明,编译器对于合法的语句,就是“机械”的进行翻译,不管是指针还是常量, 编译器看到的都只是内存中的一串二进制数,编译器就是按照你写的代码进行解释 (这个例子中,编译器将0x7ffee34cb8ec 解释为了140732711876844)。


typedef struct Ping{
    int a;
    char b;
} Ping;

typedef struct Pong{
    char a;
    int b;
} Pong;

int cast_struct() {

    Ping ping = {98, 'a'};
    Ping *p_ping = &ping;
    Pong *p_pong = (Pong *)p_ping;

    printf("size of struct Ping: %lu, struct Pong: %lu\n", sizeof(Ping), sizeof(Pong));
    printf("ping address: %p, p_ping value: %p, p_ping value: %p\n", &ping, p_ping, p_pong);
    printf("Ping->a: %d, Ping->b: %c\n", p_ping->a, p_ping->b);
    printf("Pong->a: %c, Pong->b: %d\n", p_pong->a, p_pong->b);
    /* output:
    size of struct Ping: 8, struct Pong: 8
    ping address: 0x7ffee4e888c8, p_ping value: 0x7ffee4e888c8, p_ping value: 0x7ffee4e888c8
    Ping->a: 98, Ping->b: a
    Pong->a: b, Pong->b: 97

    return 0;


address				      内存中的数据

0x00007ffee4e888b8   |  c8 88 e8 e4   fe 7f 00 00	     // p_ping
0x00007ffee4e888c0   |  c8 88 e8 e4   fe 7f 00 00	     // p_pong
0x00007ffee4e888c8   |  62 00 00 00   61 00 00 00    // ping

结构体Ping Pong 由于数据对齐,所以长度都是8字节。

Pong *p_pong = (Pong *)p_ping;

这行使得编译器将原来Ping 内的数据强制解释为Pong 中对应类型的数据。这里 int 98 就转换成了char 'b', 同理,char 'a' 转换成了int 97


typedef struct man {
    char *name;
    int age;
    struct profession *prof;
} Man;

typedef void (*printfunc)(Man *);

typedef struct profession {
    const char *prof_name;

    // 可以添加职业特定的动作
    printfunc introduce;
} Profession;

typedef struct programmer {
    char *name;
    int age;
    struct profession *prof;
    // 可以添加程序员相关的各种属性
    int is_bald;
} Programmer;

typedef struct researcher {
    char *name;
    int age;
    struct profession *prof;

    // 可以添加研究员相关的各种属性
    char *direction;
} Researcher;

void programmer_introduce(Man *self) {
    Programmer *programmer = (Programmer *)self;
    printf("My name is %s, %d years old, and work as a %s.",
           programmer->name, programmer->age, programmer->prof->prof_name);
    printf((programmer->is_bald == 1) ? ":(\n": ":)\n");

Profession PythonDev = {
    "Python Develop",

void researcher_introduce(Man *self) {
    Researcher *researcher = (Researcher *)self;
    printf("My name is %s, %d years old, and work as a %s.",
           researcher->name, researcher->age, researcher->prof->prof_name);
    printf("My research direction is %s.\n", researcher->direction);

Profession MatchResearch = {
    "Math Research",

int polymorphism() {
    Man *a, *b;

    Programmer hstk = {"hstk", 25, &PythonDev, 0};
    Researcher hstk30 = {"hstk30", 30, &MatchResearch, "Math"};

    a = (Man *)(&hstk);
    b = (Man *)(&hstk30);

    /* output:
    My name is hstk, 25 years old, and work as a Python Develop.:)
    My name is hstk30, 30 years old, and work as a Math Research.My research direction is Math 

    return 0;



上面的关键就ManProgrammerResearcher 的前三个字段相同,所以在强制类型转换a = (Man *) (&hstk) 后, 我们能像正常使用Man 一样,使用这个转换后的数据。并且相同的代码,出现了不同的行为。

一个Linux 中的高级用法

typeof is a compiler extension(GNU). In a nutshell it’s a convenient way to declare an object having the same type as another. For example:
int x; /* Plain old int variable. */
typeof(x) y; /* Same type as x. Plain old int variable. */
It works entirely at compile-time and it’s primarily used in macros. One famous example of macro relying on typeof is container_of.

 * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
 * @ptr:	the pointer to the member.
 * @type:	the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
 * @member:	the name of the member within the struct.
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({			\
        const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);	\
        (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})

#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)


就是这么简单。这也是C语言 的主要特点和优势,通过指针直接操纵内存数据,而在写Python 时,基本上就没有内存这个概念。

来自《深入理解计算机系统》3ed 补充

强制类型转换运算符可以将一种数据类型转换为另一种。因此,强制类型转换(byte_pointer) &x 表明无论指针&x 以前是什么类型, 它现在就是一个指向数据类型为unsigned char 的指针。这里给出的这些强制类型转换不会改变真实的指针, 它们只是告诉编译器以新的数据类型来看待被指向的数据。